Capitalists are starting to dominate through English language
Feb 01, 2016
Febraury 1, 2016
I was thinking why young people are refusing to talk to each other in Mongolian language and speaking in English when they are living in their motherland Mongolia. It is not as if they did not learn Mongolian langugage when they grew up. Just when people think they maybe never learnt Mongolian language, suddenly speak in Mongolian for example. Everywhere service places have their address written in English.
Of course, Mongolian language isn’t enough and impossible to learn universal knowledge. But it is not right to use Mongolian in our daily communication. From economic and finance organizations named big businesses in the hand of foreigners such as Oyu Tolgoi probably need to use English. They probably need to talk with all those foreigners in English. Foreigners stole everything good and colorful, so they shouldn’t also dominate Mongolian language. They should give the chance for Mongolians to speak Mongolian in their mother land.
When I observe Mongolian person, they are not first, rather second or third in their own country. It looks as first; it is foreign capitalists, second, foreign churches and monasteries. Not only we are losing our territories, buildings, houses, streets and squares with forests, trees and water, now we refuse to speak in Mongolian language and service businesses are refusing to write their name in Mongolian. Even rent ad is written in English around Department Store are, I guess this seems only matter of English speakers.
I wonder when I see people trying to speak cleary in English as if they want become original English person. I guess they seem to show off how great they are. Are they trying to show off that they just came from USA? I want to say, learn from countries which don’t care that much about English in their motherland and even in foreign countries.
For example, Frenches and Germans speak English with their own accent to show they don’t give that much worth to it. Even Indians who were colony of England don’t give worth to English by keeping accent of their mother language almost sounds different language and it shows how confident are they. It is proud to see Russians to show what a big nation they are, they deliberately speak in English keeping the melody of their own language. Why these nations don’t give worth to English? It is giving answer to the question that why English and American people are unable to learn the language of other nations, then why must we speak in their language?
A German professor immigrated to America during war times, but after the war ended, he hurried back to Germany. When people asked why he is in such hurry, he answered, “I only want to speak in German. Also, I came back to the place I spent my childhood to save my past life” This example reminded me that after finishing my work I was hurrying to come back to my mother land to speak in Mongolian every day and walking down the streets I happily spent my childhood.
To see how Mongolians demolishes buildings and changes the name of streets and squares, there is something wrong. Seeing how a Mongolian is deliberately waiting for some memorial buildings to become a ruined, it seems they are trying to destroy the center of Ulaanbaatar. Obviously, because people who were unhappy in their childhood always have ugly memory, they probably want to see Ulaanbaatar city being ruined.
Seeing how they are building a hotel with Tibetian religious name “Shangri La” instead of statue of Natsagdorj and demolishing Children’s Park, they degrade themselves by being so desperate to do anything for foreigners. Shangri-La is Shamba-La. It has been told that even insects participate in Shamba-La’s war. Behind this, capitalists are seeking profit. Foreign enemies along with domestic ones are doing this.
Capitalists are able to put Mongolians in pressure of loan and credit again after 100 years. At that time, foreign loansharks were evicted through Revolution of People. Today, forget about revolution, civilians who are under pressure of loan interest, cannot make any protest, will soon feel that they are actually slave and victim during election.
Capitalists only talk about profit, therefore one day they will ruin not only Mongolians, but the whole world. Books of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman, neoliberalism completely occupied Mongolians. These people don’t exist anymore, but why are people idolizing them? Last spring, University of Science and Technology announced a competition ‘Who knows Milton well?’
Why are they working hard to make young people and students idolize a criminal Milton Friedman who ruined and destroyed countries? Who is behind it?
It is unfortunate to see Mongolians, especially young people have unconsciously become slave and victim of English language, also letting foreign English speaking capitalists live with luxury and limitless power and slaving Mongolians. It is a pity.
Why is a Mongolian person not considered first in his motherland? Why is the Constitution unable to put a Monoglian person first? Why it cannot take measure against dominance of English language?
A Mongolian man isn’t owner of his own mother land, rather he is completely seized by mining, finance, economy, loan interest, and furthermore, capitalists become owner who occupied through wealth and money
Everywhere there is tendency to buy anything fancy. Everywhere, a Mongolian man is working as waitress or driver, therefore a Mongolian man’s development progress completely stopped last 20 years. People who did this to them make jokes about them and calling them “drop-out people.” White collar works are done by capitalists and blue collar work is done by Mongolians.
Mongolian language isn’t a weak language. In 2011, when I translated “Being and Time” of German philosopher Heidegger, it was confirmed what kind of power this language has. Only so called fake professors or doctors who didn’t understand philosophy couldn’t do translation in professional level because they are bad in Mongolian language, caused people not to value philosophy. I realized this after the translating that book.
Therefore I always say that a Mongolian is a good language, but unprofessional people who cannot speak Mongolian well tore down system of general education. When students hear my lecture or read books I translated, they tell me that they didn’t know philosophy was this good and needed. Of course, we use wrong words to ask philosophical questions, nobody will understand that.
To understand and detect capitalists, you need to think hard about the examples of global conflicts and how they destroy and bomb Arabian countries. Political actions always remind us similar events happened somewhere in the world some other time.
To see Ukrains putting themselves in difficult situation and in the hands of few greedy, status driven people, causing inner conflict among each other, ruining themselves in the eyes of the world and being hostile with their neighbor, it reminded me of Mongolia in 1990.
It is said that after capitalists occupied Ukraine, they immediately went after their natural resource. It was informed by media that US Vice President Biden’s son joined the board of big oil American and Ukrainen company. It also reminded me of similar history. In the beginning of 1990, there was attack to weaken Mongolia in the name of democracy and share all the good. At that time, we had steppes full of livestock and had no loan to any country. However, they deliberately devalued the currency, forcibly emptied shops, created empty stalls and intimidated the population.
I remember after emptying the stores and threatening the people, they enacted laws with the intention of many types of privitizations and political turn which only destroy the country. After the success of this action, Secretary of State James Baker came, gave a consequential speech and used his method of ruining small countries.
Later media informed that Baker’s son received the permission to own oil pit in Dornod province. Same stories I heard somewhere, thinking hard is more necessary than ever.
It is time for Mongolian man to be awakened and be courageous, not sleepy and scared. The most dangerous thing is that websites, magazines and interviews are constantly working with policy to make Mongolians forget about what happened.
Let’s look back at Ukraine. What is their situation today? Is it impossible for them to have peaceful existence? Ukraine will forever exist with Russia. Isn’t one’s neighbor more important than distant countries? They are not important, isn’t it? Who put two neighboring countries in conflict? Who had external impact? Who shot in Maiden Square with skill of sniper?
Capitalism gets rich by war. They cannot live without making a war, whereas socialist countries were peaceful.
Socialist countries never bombed Arabian and African countries. Yet capitalism bombs everything.Under the name of democracy, capitalists completely destroy any country. They ask profit and will use you. Socialism was a society which emphasized peace, equality and education. Such times are gone.
What I want to say is asking what has been the value of Mongolian man in the last 20 years?
Before socialism, there wasn’t someone as worthless as a Mongolian. Kings wander around making war and not taking off from their horses. Monks defraud. Lords slave people. Bogd Khan combined state and religion. A Mongolian never met the concept of state in his history. It seems a Mongolian has been afraid of state which they thought only relates to riches.
Even today Mongolian man is being cheated and deceived by monks. Deceiving monks are rich. Defrauding lords are rich. Monks are included in the list of riches today. Mongolians are back to feudalism. Now, “Tsagaan sar” holiday is coming, black and yellow feudals celebrate this holiday.
During socialism, there was only one party, therefore it worked alone for the whole country. Democratic Party came out to work for group of people’s interest; therefore it turned out to be against the remaining people. From here, conflict, hostility and struggle of Mongolian people started. For 20 years, Mongolians conflicted, struggled and hostiled against each other and called it politic.
Mongolians aggressively attacked their territory under the name of mining and tourism. Mining is out of control. They need to stop lying that ancentries left behind such a big territory and be grateful to two neighbors who validated this territory.
Did they forget Treaty of Khiagt? Capitalists would have ruin this country unless Russia and China put over their control. Probably Mongolian riches of mining would completely ruin this territory.
May the underground resources run out of quickly, otherwise greediness will not end.
How to make Mongolian people valuable and sane? How to make them know Milton Friedman so badly?