#2 Did superstition win education? There is no advantage in a Mongolian becoming literate

Nov 16, 2014

November 6, 2014

A Mongolian must have become humane, generous and civil human through learning literacy. Yet one never developes through reading superstitious books and he will be even less than illerate man it was before. It is a joke to say reading newspaper is benefit of becoming literate. Newspaper isn’t meant to develop man.

Education is necessary to leave superstition behind. This education is found through literacy. Yet where is the advantage of becoming literature since 70 years ago.

Today what are Mongolians reading by becoming literate? If Mongolians is reading nothing about knowledge and education, then what is the need in becoming literate?

How many educational books are published for the public today, weekly and monthly? So how many superstitious books have been published in the last 20 years that have completely alienated Mongolians from education? What books made Mongolians superstitious, stopped the development of the younger generation, and made them stuck in their parents’ deep superstitious? Who?

Many superstitious books against epystomology, existence called “hooson chanar” are full in book stores. So called writers are publishing shaman and ghost “shugden” books in low intellectual level and people keep reading it and poisoning their mind. Did you become literate for this? What did you understand reading from those superstitions? What new things did you learn reading them?

Is there point in reading empty, meaningless and unreliable things that are not developing and charging your mind? The most dangerous thing to keeping the mind of Mongolians in low level is newspapers. What is the need in reading newspaper? One can live not reading newspaper. It is certain who is writing newspapers with what reason. Mongolians didn’t become literate just to read newspaper. What an unfortune and big confusion.

In 1940, the year Mongolians become literate didn’t have a good start. Especially monks disliked the fact that a Mongolia will become educated and leave monastery. They were not accepting young people and children are going to school to become literate and manipulated parents into superstition and pulled back social progress for many years.

With monks, there were riches and feudals, who fought hard against literacy and education of the people, because only their children were literate, thus they looked better than anyone else.

Today monks, riches and feudals are working stronger to reprlace education with superstition. The fact that they are sending their children to expsensive American and English school is their evilness to put them in high level of the society. This won’t work. Today one doesn’t need that much money to become educated and knowledgeable. For example, in Germany education is free. Therefore they don’t have feudals and lords.

University faculties are filled with monks spreading superstitions. Science Academy completely surrenders to monks. They aren’t able to represent knowledge anymore.

Literate Mongolians misunderstand the books they read. This is the biggest danger. On the other hand, libraries are filled with books written by people who misunderstood knowledge. Literacy is good, although misunderstanding is biggest weapon of superstition. All these superstitious people are similiar with politicians in a sense that make people understand wrongly.

Meaning is most important issue rather than the word itself. Why Mongolians have been emphasizing word instead of its meaning? It is those from linguistics who couldn’t explain meaning of words. They don’t explain meaning of words. How can linguists explain professional words of other fields? Examples of these big misunderstanding of mongolian words started with explanation dictionary of Mongolian language.

This thick book is just collection of words, not explanation of meanings. It is a poor dictionary made in low level by linguists of Mongolian language, which is filled with meaningless words.

Word meaning is an independent field. There are many examples of superstitious people and politicians play with Mongolians who learned to trust and believe in word itself. Meaning is important, because meaning is concept beyond the word. Therefore it is important to understand the meaning behind the word.

Christianity is successful because they were able to translate Bible in Mongolian. Buddism remained as superstition because it is not translated into Mongolian, because if translated, its true essence will be revealed and destroy the superstitious people with their magic.

Word’s meaning is understanding what is the representation of that word. The word love represents a big theory. To know love, one must read a book. Reading is work. Yet Mongolians do not appreciate people read and say “go work and create something.” That is like stopping their mind to grow. We know from our poor and pitiful history of Mongolia what happens when the mind is not developed.

Of course, love cannot be understood as abstract. It is real, but through its action. It is not that there isn’t love, there is. Therefore to prove it, one needs to experience love.

Meaningless word cannot create thoughts. Through the word “table”, it represents millions of tables in the world regardless of their shape. This is abstracting. This doesn’t mean a table is abstract concept. Because it is real, you can abstract in your head in different ways. God can be abstracted. But it is abstracted as same face as human’s. Yet human face is real, so what is being represented through word god?

With the right meaning of word, sentence can be true. Is it necessary to say false sentence? Through literacy, Mongolian must have speaking and writing language. Yet seeing from the people on television, it is obvious that we couldn’t have speaking and writing language. In other words, Mongolians remained in slang language.

Writing language couldn’t develop because Mongolian linguists played with word and made the words meaningless. Therefore people couldn’t learn culture of reading. Book becomes accessory not a cultural behavior.

Books were published with the intention everyone to have same understanding. Yet Mongolians misunderstood books and created superstition that says everyone must have different opinion of things, by reading a book 500 years after first book publishing. Today in National University, students misunderstood books, because their professor and teachers poison their mind with false sentences so called lectures. Students with damaged mind with fake diplomas come to society. Now society continues to be damaged. Education is in danger and there is lots of of things to do.

Books must be vitamin of mind. Without this, Mongolians have become the most superstitious people in the world. Truly humane religions didn’t come to us so far. Otherwise, visitors at “Gandan” monastry would not have to pay money.

One first listens to word. Later it is important not to forget and memorize it. Memory is in the mind. Now one must process and think the word in his mind. After that, understanding is important. To prove that you understood it, now make a sentence or write a sentence is a one form of education.

There is a translation in the written language. In speaking language, there is explantion or an interpretation, not a translation. Speaking of translation, there will be many more pages to write. It is an important topic to discuss later.

An important time has come for Mongolians to use the advantage of literacy and liberate themselves from superstition. Persistence and courage to receive new and leave behind the old is missing. Literacy is great thing, but do you need it if you are not reading.



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