“Russian Philosophy and Europe“

Dec 20, 2021

Last Saturday the professor gave lecture 7 on the topic "Russian Philosophy and Europe". Lomonosov, Bakunin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Solovyov, Chernyshevsky, Plekhanov and Lenin. We talked about the works of these great philosophers. About the help of their theories in the formation of a new Russia.

The philosophers of the past generation influenced the next generation, the philosophers of the next generation were able to continue the philosophy of the previous generation. In a word, the link between generations is inseparable.

The peculiarity of Russian philosophy lies in its proximity to literature and politics. The first philosophers spread philosophical themes among the people through literature, especially through novels. The generation that followed them was able to connect philosophy with politics. Many philosophers of modern times fought for the realization of Marx's manifesto.

Lenin in 1917 became the chairman of the newly formed Russia. His goal was to overthrow the tsar, limit the power of religion and create a proletarian country.

In his work, Lenin wrote about the creation of a new man. Creation of a new citizen. Creation of a conscious person.

The job of the state was to provide all the infrastructure: healthcare, housing, clothing, food, and educational facilities. Everyone will adhere to "Equality". There will be no rich and poor.

Citizen work:

- the creation of a new oneself, to understand that a person himself can create himself.

- read, think, develop consciousness

A man can. He just doesn't have the courage. Therefore, be brave. This requires "freedom". It is provided by the state.

The renewal of the country begun by Lenin was later embodied in other countries of the world. Thanks to a movement called the Internationale, many countries have achieved equal rights and freedoms.

The next lecture will be on the topic "Philosophy of Japan and Korea and America".


Comments (3)

Daniel Lewi5 min ago

Very interesting and informative article on design. I learned a lot of new and interesting.

Jessica Miller1 min ago

I agree, a very interesting article. Thank you very much! nerd

Henry William15 min ago

Thanks for the good article. Looking forward to new ones.

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