Problem of Mongolia 2

Jan 12, 2023

Problem of Mongolia 2

Subject: Zero Point and reformation of constitution

Reformation of Constitution must be for a Mongolian. The organized coal theft against Mongolian people should be reflected in constitution so that it can never be done again. It must first mention that coal theft reverted Mongolia to point zero. Based on this crime, constitution should be reformed and it must be explained that Mongolia is at point zero.

I wrote many critic books and gave lectures on previous constitutions. I warned about it by explaining through international consitutions from philosophical point many times.

Today it is time to reform consitution based on the current situation.

State is the people. People is the state. It is the people who chose the state through election. Constitution must reflect that the chosen people broke people’s trust and commited theft.

The beginning is from zero point, because representation of the people lost responsibility. Businessmen commited it together. Big companies participated. So which institution can the people trust so that new arrangement can happen? The conclusion is that state is unable to represent the people. Since the state is incapable of obliging the government, their work is uncertain.

It is outdated to show off export goods and minings.

It is time to reform a constitution which reflects bad and good of Mongolian people. A Mongolian doesn’t only have right to survive, but also to be provided with possibilities to live. Mongolia is on zero point.


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