The soul of consitution must express Will of the people

Jan 12, 2023

The past of nomad people named Mongolians has arrived. By opening Museum of Chingis it is now necessary to discuss about history. If we really want to discuss about history, we must mention Enkhamgalan, Javzandamba and Tsedenbal. It isn’t enough to build museum for them. There is a long history.

What we must do is to talk about present, tomorrow and yesterday of Mongolia altogether at the same time. We must not solely make-up history and manipulate or polarize it.

The issue we are facing today reveals we are still unable to become nation, not even people, because there is no common value: soul of constitution.

It is important that constitution was created at least for the the nation. Though by nation, it must not be limited by same origin or same language. First, nation is a value, second it is based on will. No one should be discriminated by their race, language and religion.

The soul of consitution must express Will of the people.

It is time to discuss about united Will. 2023 must be a year of Mongolian Will. What do Mongolians want? Who was Mongolia during Enkhamgalan? Who was Mongolia during Bogd Javzandamba? Who was Mongolia during Tsedenbal? Who does Mongolia want to become today?


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